Hi everyone !
As you’ve probably heard Lausanne is the Olympic Capital and its Olympic Museum is actually one of the most visited in Switzerland ! 
So if you’d like to know more about the history of the Olympic Games, join us in our visit !
ESN Lausanne is organizing the visit of the Olympic Museum on Saturday, October 9th at 4:00 p.m. The visit will be followed by some drinks at the lake, if the weather is in our favor !
Your beloved ESN Committee
✦ WHEN: Saturday October 9th, at 4:00 p.m.
Erasmus or anyone with ESNcard: CHF 10
Erasmus or anyone without ESNcard : CHF 15
Spots are limited! First come, first served. Filling the form DOES NOT guarantee you a place, it will be reserved only when you come to pay!
1) Begin by filling this form:
2) Come pay during our office hours (only then your place will be confirmed):
✧ For EPFL students:
From Monday 4th of October to Friday 8th of October (not opened during weekends).
Between 12:00pm and 1:00pm.
In front of AGEPoly desk (Esplanade EPFL).
Here: https://plan.epfl.ch/?room=%3DME+C1+398.1
✧ For UNIL students:
From Monday 4th of October to Friday 8th of October (not opened during weekends).
Between 12:00pm and 1:00pm.
Office in Anthropole (1128.1).
Here: https://planete.unil.ch/plan/?local=ANT-1128.1
✧ For CHUV students:
On Tuesday 5th of October and on Thursday 7th of October from 12:15pm to 1pm.
At Bibliothèque Universitaire de Médecine, building Falaises 2.
✧ For HEP students:
After having filled the form, please send an email to cellule.culture@unil.esn.ch stating the event name and date and your contact details (first name, last name, email address and phone number).
Note: Once you have paid, if you want to cancel you must find someone to take your spot and notify us about it. No refunds are possible.
Now, the less fun part: you will need your covid certificate and an ID card to participate in the event. More info on this link:
09/10/2021 - 00:00